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简介2006年世界杯歌曲非常好听_2006年世界杯歌曲非常好听的歌       好久不见,今天我想和大家探讨一下关于“2006年世界杯歌曲非常好听”的话题。如果你对这个领域还不太熟悉,那么这篇文章就是为你准备的,让我们一起来了










       队歌名为《蓝色的心》,负责创作该曲目的是意大利著名乐队“Pooh”。《蓝色的心》拥有两个版本,一个是由Pooh乐队成员演绎,另一个则由该届意大利国家队队员们亲自演唱。在向媒体介绍这首歌时,Pooh乐队成员们激动地说,“我们一直热爱着足球,尤其是国家队,而且不少队员很长时间以来都是我们的朋友。但眼下这项令我们钟爱的运动蒙受了一些耻辱。因此我们集体录制这首歌的时候更加细心,我们希望用这首歌传达一种团队合作的精神。让人欣喜的是,所有的队员们在录制这首曲目的时候一直在很好的协作着,用声音体现出他们是一整个队伍。” Pooh成员在评价队员们的演唱水平时,特别提到了近日饱受赌球案困扰的门将布冯,并拿他的唱功开起了玩笑,“布冯很有意思,他学起歌来很快,3个节拍的歌词他可以在一个节拍内唱完。不过可以保证,他绝对是你所见过嗓门最大的人。”现场所有记者闻言大笑。“国家队的一大唱将应数皮耶罗,”Pooh成员继续说,“这可能是因为他从来都对音乐格外感兴趣,而且自己还与音乐界人士有过一些合作。” 参加演唱的国家队队员共有22名,都是为意大利队世界杯出线立下过功劳的球员。他们被分成几个小组,每组演唱一段歌词,高潮部分是集体大合唱。 歌词和球员分配顺序依次如下:(皮耶罗、托尼、托蒂)我们有呼吸,有心跳,还有梦幻/(德罗西、皮尔洛、奥多、加图索)为的是那一种永不消逝的情感/(吉拉迪诺、马特拉齐)坚定有力的双翼是为了飞翔、勇气则是为了梦想/(卡纳瓦罗、布拉西、赞布罗塔)我们为的是从不半途而废/(德桑克蒂斯、佩鲁齐、布冯)我们在这里,无论怎样的天气,无论最终是否离去/(巴罗内、格罗索、扎卡尔多)永远张开双臂迎着风,因为内心有希冀/(迪亚纳、亚昆塔、埃斯波西托、佩罗塔)一千种声音,同一个心,所有人在同时呼吸/(皮耶罗、托尼、托蒂、吉拉迪诺)这个充满光明和魔力的节日/(所有人合唱)我们和你们,你们和我们,为了一个从不消逝的梦想。我们和你们,你们和我们,比任何时候都更坚定! (德桑克蒂斯、佩鲁齐、布冯、皮耶罗、托尼、托蒂)我们在这里,带着蓝色的心,就像我们天空的颜色/(巴罗内、扎卡尔多、格罗索、吉拉迪诺、马特拉齐)透明,有力,就像我们的大海/(亚昆塔、佩罗塔、德罗西、皮尔洛、奥多、加图索)我们是一个心脏起搏器,谁也无法阻挡/(卡纳瓦罗、布拉西、赞布罗塔、迪亚纳、埃斯波西托)就像在巨浪的尖端


       06世界杯主题曲 Time of Our Lives

       《The Time of Our Lives》(我们生活的时代)

       作词:Jorgen Elofsson

       作曲:Jorgen Elofsson

       演唱:IL Divo & Toni Braxton


       2006年德国世界杯主题歌“The Time of Our Lives”由红遍全球的Pop Opera跨界团体IL Divo(美声绅士)与R&B天后Toni Braxton共同主唱。而活力四射,充满足球激情的会歌“Celebrate the Day”则由德国史上最畅销歌手Herbert Gronemeyer演绎。

       there's a time for us to let go

       there's a time for holding on

       a time to speak, a time to listen

       there's a time for us to go

       there's a time for laying low-down

       there's a time for getting high

       a time for peace, a time for fighting

       a time to live a time to die

       a time to scream, a time for silence

       a time for truth, against the lies

       a time for faith, a time for science

       there's a time for us to shine

       there's a time for explaining

       there's a time to understand

       a time for hurt, a time for healing

       time to run to make a stand

       oh, this is the time of our lives

       oh, this is the time of our lives

       oh, this is the time of our lives

       oh, this is the time of our lives

       专 辑:

       ⒈专辑:Goleo Vi Presents His 2006 Fifa World Cup Hits


       01. Intro Bamboo

       02. Love Generation

       03. Dance

       04. All Together Now

       05. Hip Hop Hooray 06

       06. All About The Football

       07. Could You Be Loved

       08. Summerlove

       09. Sweet Soca Music

       10. Svegliarsi La Mattina

       11. Stand Up

       12. Bamboo

       ⒉专 辑:2006世足赛全球唯一官方指定专辑


       01. IL DIVO WITH TONI BRAXTON 美声男伶.唐妮布蕾斯顿 - THE TIME OF OUR LIVES: 荣耀时刻 2006世足赛全球唯一官方指定曲,全球十亿球迷屏息聆听梦幻合唱

       02. ELTON JOHN 艾尔顿强 - YOUR SONG 给你的歌

       03. MARIAH CAREY 玛丽亚凯莉 - HERO 英雄

       04. ROD STEWART 洛史都华 - EVERYTIME WE SAY GOODBYE 每当我们道再见

       05. ELVIS PRESLEY 猫王 - ALWAYS ON MY MIND 常驻我心

       06. BARBRA STREISAND 芭芭拉史翠珊 - WOMAN IN LOVE 恋爱中的女人


       08. GEORGE MICHAEL 乔治麦可 - PRAYING FOR TIME 为时间祈祷

       09. ANASTACIA 安娜贾西亚 - ONE DAY IN YOUR LIFE 生命中的一天

       10. SAVAGE GARDEN 野人花园 - TRULY MADLY DEEPLY 真诚地、疯狂地、深刻地

       11. EROS RAMAZZOTTI 艾罗斯 - PIU BELLA COSA 更美好的事 试听

       12. YOUSSOU N’DOUR FEAT NENEH CHERRY 尤苏恩多尔.妮娜雪莉 - 7 SECONDS 七秒瞬间

       13. WILL YOUNG 威尔杨 - YOUR GAME 你的游戏

       14. NATALIE IMBRUGLIA 娜塔莉 - SHIVER 慌了

       15. SADE 沙黛 - BY YOUR SIDE 伴你左右

       16. R. Kelly 劳凯利 - I BELIEVE I CAN FLY 我相信我能飞

       17. WESTLIFE 西城男孩 - YOU RAISE ME UP 真情守候

       18. AMICI FOREVER 心灵歌手-亚米奇 - 公主彻夜未眠

       19. WHITNEY HOUSTON 惠妮休斯顿 - ONE MOMENT IN TIME 闪亮时刻

       20. IL DIVO & CELINE DION 美声男伶.席琳狄翁 - I BELIEVE IN YOU(JE CROIS EN TOI) 相信相依

       21. KELLY CLARKSON 凯莉克莱森 - BECAUSE OF YOU 因为你

       22. SANTANA 山塔那 - MARIA MARIA


       24. OASIS 绿洲合唱团 - WONDERWALL 奇迹

       25. DIDO 蒂朵 - THANK YOU 谢谢你

       26. ANNIE LENNOX 安妮蓝妮克丝 - WHY 为什么

       27. DELTA GOODREM 黛儿塔 - BORN TO TRY 生为挑战

       28. DES’REE 黛丝瑞 - LIFE 人生

       29. BILLY JOEL 比利乔 - JUST THE WAY YOU ARE 你就是你

       30. RICKY MARTIN 瑞奇马汀 - PRIVATE EMOTION 私密的爱

       31. ALICIA KEYS 艾莉西亚凯斯 - IF I AIN'T GOT YOU 如果没有你

       32. TONI BRAXTON 唐妮布蕾斯顿 - UNBREAK MY HEART 别伤我的心

       33. HERBERT GR?NEMEYER FEAT AMADOU & MARIAM 赫伯特 - CELEBRATE THE DAY:2006 FIFA 时代杂志赞誉“欧洲英雄”赫伯特演唱德国东道主主题曲

       34. ALAN KUO 柯有纶 - WAKE UP(BONUS TRACK) Wake Up(拼了)



       37. ALAN KUO WITH YIDA HUANG 柯有纶.黄义达 - CELEBRATE THE DAY 柯有纶.黄义达首度合作演唱德国主题曲Celebrate The Day中文版“荣耀的一天


       歌词:The Time Of Our Lives

       歌手:Il Divo & Toni Braxton?


       There was a dream


       Long time ago


       There was a dream


       Destined to grow


       Hacerse pasion (To become passion)


       Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)


       El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)


       El deseo de ganar (the will to win)


       For a lifetime of progress


       That runs here today


       We’ll go all the way


       Hey they feel like having the time of our lives


       Let’s light the fire find the plain


       Let’s go together as one inside


       Cause it feels like we’re having the time of our lives


       We’ll find the glory and the pain


       All that we are, for all that we are


       For time of our lives


       Hoy es el dia (Today is the day)


       Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)


       Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)


       Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)


       Y llegare hasta el final (and I'll keep on till the end) Heaven knows

       为了今天不会带给我们 天知道

       Cause it feels like we’re having the time of our lives


       Juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)


       Cause it feels like we’re having the time of our lives


       Hasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )


       Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)


       El momento llego (The moment arrived)


       Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar... (And now I will never ever forget it...)


       Cause it feels like we’re having the time of our lives


       Juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)


       Cause it feels like we’re having the time of our lives


       Hasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )


       El momento llego (The moment arrived)


       El momento llego (The moment arrived)


       We’ll find the glory we’ll be there

       我们将取得这荣誉 我们将会到达巅峰

       For all that we are For one thing that we wanna be and all that we are


       For the time of our lives


       For the time of our lives



       《The Time Of Our Lives》由Il Divo & Toni Braxton 演唱,是2006年德国世界杯的主题曲。

       2006年举行的德国世界杯的主题曲于2006年2月9日最终确定,由SonyBMG唱片公司著名作曲家约尔根·埃洛弗松作曲,超级制作人史蒂夫·麦克制作的“生命之巅”《The Time of Our Lives

       》终成为2006德国世界杯的官方主题曲。负责制作2006德国世界杯主题曲的唱片公司SongBMG将邀请曾刷新英美排行记录、震撼全球唱销的超人气组合“美声男伶”(Il Divo)到现场为球迷倾情演出。


       夏奇拉《臀部不说谎Hips Dont Lie》

       夏奇拉《Hips Don't Lie》

       演唱世界杯决赛歌的“拉丁天后”夏奇拉(SHAKIRA),推出了最新歌曲《Hips Don\'t Lie》(中文译名为《臀部不说谎》),该MV里有她的招牌电臀舞,歌曲好听,拉丁味十足,还有那个黑人说唱者非常有意思。



       Ladies up in here tonight

       No fightin\', no fightin\'

       We got the refugees up in here

       I never really knew that she could dance like this

       She makes a man want to speak Spanish

       Como se llama, bonita, mi casa, su casa

       Shakira, Shakira

       Oh baby when you talk like that

       You make a woman go mad

       So be wise and keep on

       Reading the signs of my body

       I\'m on tonight

       You know my hips don\'t lie

       And I\'m starting to feel it\'s right

       All the attraction, the tension

       Don\'t you see baby, this is perfection

       Hey Girl, I can see your body movin\'

       And it\'s driving me crazy

       And I didn\'t have the slightest idea

       Until I saw you dancin\'

       And when you walk up on the dance floor

       Nobody cannot ignore the way you move your body, girl

       And everything so unexpected - the way you right and left it

       So you can keep on shaking it

       I never really knew that she could dance like this

       She makes a man want to speak Spanish

       Como se llama, bonita, mi casa, su casa

       Shakira, Shakira

       Oh baby when you talk like that

       You make a woman go mad

       So be wise and keep on

       Reading the signs of my body

       And I\'m on tonight

       You know my hips don\'t lie

       And I am starting to feel you boy

       Come on lets go, real slow

       Don\'t you see baby asi es perfecto

       Oh I won\'t deny my hips don\'t lie

       And I am starting to feel it\'s right

       All the attraction, the tension

       Don\'t you see baby, this is perfection

       Shakira, Shakira

       Oh boy, I can see your body moving

       Half animal, half man

       I don\'t, don\'t really know what I\'m doing

       But you seem to have a plan

       My will and self restraint

       Have come to fail now, fail now

       See, I am doing what I can, but I can\'t so you know

       That\'s a bit too hard to explain

       Baila en la calle de noche

       Baila en la calle del dia

       Baila en la calle de noche

       Baila en la calle del dia

       I never really knew that she could dance like this

       She makes a man want to speak Spanish

       Como se llama, bonita, mi casa, su casa

       Shakira, Shakira

       Oh baby when you talk like that

       You know you got me hypnotized

       So be wise and keep on

       Reading the signs of my body

       Serita, feel the conga, let me see you move like you come from Colombia

       Mira en Barranquilla se baila asi, say it!

       Mira en Barranquilla se baila asi


       She\'s so sexy every man\'s fantasy a refugee like me back with the Fugees from a 3rd world country


       The Time Of Our Lives - Il Divo & T


       Your Song 给你的歌 - Elton John


       Hero 英雄 - Mariah Carey


       Everytime We Say Goodbye - Rod Stew


       Always On My Mind 常驻我心 - Elvis Pres


       Woman In Love - Barbra Streisand


       Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon


       Praying For Time - George Michael


       One Day In Your Life - Anastacia


       Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden


       Piu Bella Cosa - Eros Ramazzotti


       7 Seconds - Youssou N’Dour Feat Nen


       Your Game - Will Young


       Shiver - Natalie Imbruglia


       By Your Side 伴你左右 - Sade


       I Believe I Can Fly - R.Kelly


       You Raise Me Up - Westlife


       公主彻夜未眠 - Amici Forever


       Disk 2


       One Moment In Time 闪亮时刻 - Whitney H


       I Believe In You - Il Divo & Celine


       Because Of You - Kelly Clarkson


       Maria Maria - Santana


       Hips Don’t Lie-Bamboo - Shakira Fea


       Wonderwall - Oasis


       Thank You - Dido


       Why 为什么 - Annie Lennox


       Born To Try - Delta Goodrem


       Life - Des’Ree


       Just The Way You Are - Billy Joel


       Private Emotion - Ricky Martin


       If I Ain’T Got You - Alicia Keys


       Unbreak My Heart - Toni Braxton


       Celebrate The Day 德国世界杯主题曲 - Herber


       Wake Up 拼了 (Bonus Track) - Alan Kuo


       庆祝 (Bonus Track) - 杨丞琳


       盖世英雄 (Bonus Track) - 王力宏


       荣耀的一天 (柯有纶黄义达合作德国主题曲中文版)

       开幕式歌曲是《celebrate the day》


       To win again

       to never stop finding

       moving as one

       is the word for home

       begin to place

       yourself in the big frame

       when you dream

       when you dream

       away. . . away

       Then amadou and MAriam verse1:





       Let the sweet air

       fill our hearts

       walk on and celebrate the...

       Day the day the day celebrate the day etc.

       Grab your drums

       paint your soul

       feel the roar and celebrate the...

       To win again

       to never stop climbing

       the rising road

       of ultimate faith


       the world in a heartbeat

       when you dream

       when you dream

       away. . .away

































